Hace unos días hablaba con un físico, de vocación, acerca de la verdad, la realidad y el Universo. Pues bien, lo hasta ahora reconocido por la física más elemental se ajusta extraordinariamente bien a los resultados en estas elecciones venezolanas. A partir del “7-O” importan poco los totales numéricos porque la única realidad que se presenta a los venezolanos y a buena parte del resto de mundo es que Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías sigue siendo el Presidente electo en Venezuela. Ese es el resultado más absoluto. No como la realidad.
Hasta hace pocas horas, había muchas ilusiones e intereses puestos en el cambio democrático, tantos como 6.151.544 votantes, el 44, 97% de los votos, según los resultados ofrecidos por el CNE, que apostaron por el opositor Henrique Capriles Randonski cabeza de la unidad de la oposición venezolana. Ni éste descendiente de judíos, abogado de profesión y político de ocupación, Diputado, Alcalde y Gobernador, logró el cambio; y eso que anteriormente nunca había perdido unos comicios.
Ha sido el Robin Hood Latinoamericano o el autócrata bolivariano, según los ojos que interpreten, quien ha conseguido la mayoría democrática. El 54,42% del escrutinio gracias a los 7.444.082 votos que han apoyado la continuidad de un proyecto político que alerta al mundo. Principalmente a los residentes en Venezuela, que “podría llegar a una crisis en la balanza de pagos”, avisaba el economista David Rees, consecuencia de una infraestructura económica que se derrumba en un país en el que el 95% de su exportación es petrolífera, cuya producción ha descendido en la última década, así como, la inversión extranjera y el crecimiento del sector privado.
Aunque la sombra más oscura de la política populista y bolivariana se extiende al mundo si incluimos el terrorismo en el debate electoral. Así fue expuesto por el gobernador de Florida, Marco Rubio, en un comunicado a mediados de este año: “Hugo Chávez no sólo es una amenaza para la libertad y las aspiraciones democráticas del pueblo venezolano, sino que ha apoyado al régimen iraní en sus intentos por extender su red a través de todo el hemisferio, ha permitido el lavado de dinero con el que se financia a los terroristas y ha albergado a los narcos terroristas de las FARC, entre otras muchas acciones”.
En este contexto, a sabiendas del recorrido democrático que ha elegido Chávez con la famosa Ley Habilitante, que le ha permitido gobernar durante años con decretos leyes que se saltaban el Parlamento y disponer de los recursos económicos y sociales, a su criterio y conveniencia, además de encarcelar a jueces y comisarios rebeldes, no es de extrañar que en su discurso de investidura vuelva a prometer que luchará contra la delincuencia que desangra al país por encima de su obsesión contra el Imperialismo, principalmente Norteamericano, como parte de un discurso ya conocido desde sus tiempos golpista. O no.
Lo cierto es que la física ha vuelto a demostrar que la realidad de cada individuo es subjetiva y sujeta a mil factores e intereses y ésta cada día es más polarizada, está más dividida, en ese rico país cuyo Himno Nacional cantan los estudiantes a diario mientras se iza la bandera. ¿Es posible que tanto simbolismo haya calado tan hondo en el alma de los venezolanos que más allá de las razones se mantengan fieles al sentimiento nacional?
A few days ago talking to a physicist, vocation, about truth, reality, and the Universe. Well, it so far recognized by most elementary physics fits remarkably well to the results in these Venezuelan elections. From the "7-O" matter little numerical totals because the only reality that matters to Venezuelans and much of the rest of world is that Hugo Chavez is still the president elected in Venezuela. That is the absolute result. Not like reality.
Until a few hours ago, there were many illusions and interest in democratic change, as many as 6,151,544 voters, 44, 97% of the vote, according to results provided by the CNE, which anticipate the opponent's head Henrique Capriles Randonski unit of the Venezuelan opposition. Neither this Jewish descent, a lawyer and political occupation, Deputy Mayor and Governor, managed change, and that previously had never lost an election.
Robin Hood has been the Latin American or the Bolivarian autocrat as eyes interpret, who has managed the democratic majority. The 54.42% of the vote thanks to the 7,444,082 votes that have supported the continuation of a political project that alerts the world. Residents mainly in Venezuela, which "could lead to a crisis in the balance of payments," warned economist David Rees, following a crumbling economic infrastructure in a country where 95% of its export is oil, whose production has declined in the last decade, as well as foreign investment and private sector growth.
Although the darkest shade of populist politics and Bolivarian extends the world if we include terrorism in the electoral debate. This was exposed by the governor of Florida, Marco Rubio, in a statement earlier this year: "Hugo Chavez is not only a threat to freedom and the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people, but the Iranian regime has supported in their attempts to extend its network throughout the hemisphere, has allowed money laundering which is funded terrorists and drug traffickers has hosted FARC terrorists, among other actions. "
In this context, knowing the democratic path that Chavez has chosen the famous Enabling Act, which has allowed it to rule for years with executive orders that have jumped Parliament and of the economic and social resources, at its option and convenience, as well to imprison rebels judges and commissioners, it is not surprising that in his inaugural promise to fight back against crime that is bleeding the country over his obsession against imperialism, primarily American, as part of a speech already known from his day coup. Or not.
The truth is that physics has again shown that the reality of each individual is subjective and subject to a thousand factors and interests and it is becoming increasingly polarized, more divided, in this rich country whose students sing the national anthem every day while flag is hoisted. Is it possible that there is so much symbolism so deep in the soul of Venezuelans beyond reason to remain loyal to the national sentiment?
Until a few hours ago, there were many illusions and interest in democratic change, as many as 6,151,544 voters, 44, 97% of the vote, according to results provided by the CNE, which anticipate the opponent's head Henrique Capriles Randonski unit of the Venezuelan opposition. Neither this Jewish descent, a lawyer and political occupation, Deputy Mayor and Governor, managed change, and that previously had never lost an election.
Robin Hood has been the Latin American or the Bolivarian autocrat as eyes interpret, who has managed the democratic majority. The 54.42% of the vote thanks to the 7,444,082 votes that have supported the continuation of a political project that alerts the world. Residents mainly in Venezuela, which "could lead to a crisis in the balance of payments," warned economist David Rees, following a crumbling economic infrastructure in a country where 95% of its export is oil, whose production has declined in the last decade, as well as foreign investment and private sector growth.
Although the darkest shade of populist politics and Bolivarian extends the world if we include terrorism in the electoral debate. This was exposed by the governor of Florida, Marco Rubio, in a statement earlier this year: "Hugo Chavez is not only a threat to freedom and the democratic aspirations of the Venezuelan people, but the Iranian regime has supported in their attempts to extend its network throughout the hemisphere, has allowed money laundering which is funded terrorists and drug traffickers has hosted FARC terrorists, among other actions. "
In this context, knowing the democratic path that Chavez has chosen the famous Enabling Act, which has allowed it to rule for years with executive orders that have jumped Parliament and of the economic and social resources, at its option and convenience, as well to imprison rebels judges and commissioners, it is not surprising that in his inaugural promise to fight back against crime that is bleeding the country over his obsession against imperialism, primarily American, as part of a speech already known from his day coup. Or not.
The truth is that physics has again shown that the reality of each individual is subjective and subject to a thousand factors and interests and it is becoming increasingly polarized, more divided, in this rich country whose students sing the national anthem every day while flag is hoisted. Is it possible that there is so much symbolism so deep in the soul of Venezuelans beyond reason to remain loyal to the national sentiment?
Letra del Himno Nacional de Venezuela
Autores: Vicente Salias y Juan José Landaeta
Gloria al bravo pueblo
Que el yugo lanzó
La ley respetando
La virtud y honor.
Abajo cadenas (bis)
Gritaba el señor (bis)
Y el pobre en su choza
Libertad pidió
A este santo nombre
Tembló de pavor
El vil egoísmo
Que otra vez triunfó (bis).
Gritemos con brío (bis)
Muera la opresión (bis)
Compatriotas fieles
La fuerza es la unión
Y desde el empíreo
El supremo autor
Un sublime aliento
Al pueblo infundio
Unida con lazos (bis)
Que el cielo formó (bis)
La América toda
Existe en nación
Y si el despotismo
Levanta la voz
Seguid el ejemplo
Que Caracas dio.
Autores: Vicente Salias y Juan José Landaeta
Gloria al bravo pueblo
Que el yugo lanzó
La ley respetando
La virtud y honor.
Abajo cadenas (bis)
Gritaba el señor (bis)
Y el pobre en su choza
Libertad pidió
A este santo nombre
Tembló de pavor
El vil egoísmo
Que otra vez triunfó (bis).
Gritemos con brío (bis)
Muera la opresión (bis)
Compatriotas fieles
La fuerza es la unión
Y desde el empíreo
El supremo autor
Un sublime aliento
Al pueblo infundio
Unida con lazos (bis)
Que el cielo formó (bis)
La América toda
Existe en nación
Y si el despotismo
Levanta la voz
Seguid el ejemplo
Que Caracas dio.
Dos Venezuelas posibles, un solo destino